Try an eBook or an Audio from the Library

We are happy to say that the library is joining the OK Virtual Library. That means you’ll be able to borrow eBooks, audios and movies on your favorite mobile device or computer for free. Read, listen, or watch instantly or download for later. No long waiting lines or late fees! All you need is a library card in good standing.

Bear with us as we are setting up and getting this off the ground. We are learning too!

Check out What’s in the Collection

The virtual library has all the popular titles and best sellers you love. You’ll also find special reading rooms for kids and teens and a business collection.

Best of all – when the library is closed, the OK Virtual Library is open!

the eBook collection from OK virtual library is big - that means no waiting

Make Your Life Easier and Get the App

Instantly borrow free ebooks and audiobooks to read on your device or Kindle. Compatible with all smart phones, tablets, computers, and eReaders.

Try Libby the ebook app

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This project (through the OK Dept of Libraries) was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.